# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ EAPI="2" OPENGL_REQUIRED="optional" inherit kde4svn # Install to KDEDIR rather than /usr, to slot properly. PREFIX="${KDEDIR}" DESCRIPTION="Advanced audio player based on KDE framework." HOMEPAGE="http://amarok.kde.org/" LICENSE="GPL-2" KEYWORDS="" SLOT="kde-svn" IUSE="cdaudio daap debug ifp ipod mp3tunes mp4 mtp njb +semantic-desktop" ESVN_REPO_URI="svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok" # daap are automagic DEPEND=" >=app-misc/strigi-0.5.7 dev-db/sqlite:3 >=media-libs/taglib-1.5 || ( >=dev-db/mysql-community-5.0[embedded] >=dev-db/mysql-5.0[embedded] ) || ( x11-libs/qt-phonon:4 media-sound/phonon ) kde-base/kdelibs:${SLOT}[opengl?,semantic-desktop?] kde-base/libplasma:${SLOT}[opengl?] x11-libs/qt-webkit:4 cdaudio? ( kde-base/libkcompactdisc:${SLOT} kde-base/libkcddb:${SLOT} ) ifp? ( media-libs/libifp ) ipod? ( >=media-libs/libgpod-0.4.2 ) mp3tunes? ( dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/openssl net-libs/loudmouth net-misc/curl ) mp4? ( media-libs/libmp4v2 ) mtp? ( >=media-libs/libmtp-0.3.0 ) njb? ( >=media-libs/libnjb-2.2.4 ) semantic-desktop? ( dev-libs/soprano[sesame2] ) " RDEPEND="${DEPEND} app-arch/unzip daap? ( www-servers/mongrel ) " pkg_setup() { if use amd64 ; then ewarn ewarn "Compilation may fail if dev-db/mysql is built without -fPIC in your CFLAGS!" ewarn "Related bug: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=238487" ewarn fi } src_compile() { if use debug; then mycmakeargs="${mycmakeargs} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull" fi if ! use mp3tunes; then sed -e'/mp3tunes/ s:^:#DONOTWANT :' \ -i "${S}"/src/services/CMakeLists.txt \ || die "Deactivating mp3tunes failed." fi # Remove superfluous QT_WEBKIT sed -e 's/ -DQT_WEBKIT//g' \ -i "${S}"/src/scriptengine/generator/generator/CMakeLists.txt \ || die "Removing unnecessary -DQT_WEBKIT failed." mycmakeargs="${mycmakeargs} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${PREFIX} -DUSE_SYSTEM_SQLITE=ON $(cmake-utils_use_with cdaudio KdeMultimedia) $(cmake-utils_use_with ipod Ipod) $(cmake-utils_use_with ifp Ifp) $(cmake-utils_use_with mp4 Mp4v2) $(cmake-utils_use_with mtp Mtp) $(cmake-utils_use_with njb Njb) $(cmake-utils_use_with semantic-desktop Nepomuk) $(cmake-utils_use_with semantic-desktop Soprano) " kde4overlay-base_src_compile }