# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ EAPI=5 inherit qt4-r2 DESCRIPTION="State-of-the-art fast and exact routing with OpenStreetMap Data" HOMEPAGE="http://code.google.com/p/monav/" SRC_URI="http://monav.googlecode.com/files/${P}.tar.gz" LICENSE="GPL-3" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64" IUSE="client +preprocessor preprocessor-gui" REQUIRED_USE="preprocessor? ( preprocessor-gui )" DEPEND=" dev-qt/qtcore:4 preprocessor? ( app-arch/bzip2 dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/protobuf sci-geosciences/mapnik ) preprocessor-gui? ( dev-qt/qt-mobility[location] client? ( dev-qt/qtgui:4 ) ) " RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-qmake.patch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-mapnik-2.0.patch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-mapnik-2.1.patch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-mapnik-2.2.patch ) src_configure() { eqmake4 "${S}"/monavroutingdaemon.pro CONFIG+=nogui -o "${S}"/Makefile.routingdaemon if use preprocessor ; then eqmake4 "${S}"/monavpreprocessor.pro CONFIG+=nogui -o "${S}"/Makefile.preprocessor fi if use preprocessor-gui ; then eqmake4 "${S}"/monavpreprocessor-gui.pro -o "${S}"/Makefile.preprocessor-gui fi if use client ; then eqmake4 "${S}"/monavclient.pro -o "${S}"/Makefile.client fi } src_compile() { emake -f "${S}"/Makefile.routingdaemon if use preprocessor ; then emake -f "${S}"/Makefile.preprocessor fi if use preprocessor-gui ; then emake -f "${S}"/Makefile.preprocessor-gui fi if use client ; then emake -f "${S}"/Makefile.client fi } src_install() { dobin bin/daemon-test dobin bin/monav-daemon if use preprocessor ; then dobin bin/monav-preprocessor fi if use preprocessor-gui ; then dobin bin/monav-preprocessor-gui fi if use client ; then dobin bin/monav fi }