# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ EAPI="1" KMNAME=kdenetwork inherit kde4svn-meta DESCRIPTION="KDE multi-protocol IM client" KEYWORDS="" IUSE="+addbookmarks +alias +autoreplace +contactnotes debug gadu groupwise +highlight +history htmlhandbook +jabber latex +msn messenger msn +nowlistening +oscar +otr +privacy qq sms ssl +statistics testbed telepathy +texteffect +translator +urlpicpreview +webpresence winpopup yahoo" # IUSE="irc jingle meanwhile" # plugins: addbookmarks, alias, autoreplace, contactnotes, highlight, history, # latext, nowlistening, otr, privacy, (sqlite?) statistics, texteffect, translator, # urlpicpreview, (&& xml2 xslt) webpresence # protocols: (ssl?) gadu, (qca2?) groupwise, irc (disabled), (&& qca2 idn) jabber, # jingle (disabled), meanwhile (not ported), messenger (not ready), msn, oscar, # qq, sms, (decibel?) telepathy (not ready), testbed, winpopup, yahoo # Tests are KDE-ish. RESTRICT="test" RDEPEND=" dev-libs/libpcre kde-base/qimageblitz x11-libs/libXScrnSaver gadu? ( dev-libs/openssl ) groupwise? ( app-crypt/qca:2 ) jabber? ( net-dns/libidn app-crypt/qca:2 ) otr? ( net-libs/libotr ) statistics? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 ) webpresence? ( dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt ) telepathy? ( net-libs/decibel ) ssl? ( app-crypt/qca-ossl )" DEPEND="${RDEPEND} x11-proto/scrnsaverproto privacy? ( >=net-libs/libotr-3.1.0 )" src_compile() { # Xmms isn't in portage, thus forcefully disabled. mycmakeargs="${mycmakeargs} -DWITH_Xmms=OFF $(cmake-utils_use_with addbookmarks) $(cmake-utils_use_with alias) $(cmake-utils_use_with autoreplace) $(cmake-utils_use_with contactnotes) $(cmake-utils_use_with gadu) $(cmake-utils_use_with gadu OPENSSL) $(cmake-utils_use_with groupwise) $(cmake-utils_use_with groupwise QCA2) $(cmake-utils_use_with highlight) $(cmake-utils_use_with history) $(cmake-utils_use_with jabber IDN) $(cmake-utils_use_with jabber QCA2) $(cmake-utils_use_with latex) $(cmake-utils_use_with messenger) $(cmake-utils_use_with msn) $(cmake-utils_use_with nowlistening) $(cmake-utils_use_with oscar) $(cmake-utils_use_with otr) $(cmake-utils_use_with privacy) $(cmake-utils_use_with qq) $(cmake-utils_use_with sms) $(cmake-utils_use_with statistics Sqlite) $(cmake-utils_use_with statistics) $(cmake-utils_use_with testbed) $(cmake-utils_use_with telepathy) $(cmake-utils_use_with telepathy Decibel) $(cmake-utils_use_with texteffect) $(cmake-utils_use_with translator) $(cmake-utils_use_with urlpicpreview) $(cmake-utils_use_with webpresence LibXml2) $(cmake-utils_use_with webpresence LibXslt) $(cmake-utils_use_with webpresence) $(cmake-utils_use_with winpopup) $(cmake-utils_use_with yahoo)" kde4overlay-meta_src_compile } pkg_postinst() { if use telepathy; then elog "To use kopete telepathy plugins, you need to start gabble first:" elog "GABBLE_PERSIST=1 telepathy-gabble &" elog "export TELEPATHY_DATA_PATH=/usr/share/telepathy/managers/" fi if use jabber || use messenger; then echo elog "In order to use ssl in jabber, messenger and irc you'll need to have qca-ossl" echo fi }